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miércoles, 28 de enero de 2009

25 Random Things...

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people [in the right hand corner of the app] then click publish.)

1. I've become exceptionally good at killing Brazilian bees... My apartment looks like a bee cemetery... I should look into this field.

2. My mother says I was born with a suitcase in hand. Those who know me would agree!

3. Every time I have to perform, I get extremely nervous, my throat closes up, my mouth gets really dry, and I get sudden urges to go to the bathroom, NUMBER 1, people! Talk about bad timing...

4. Always wonder why the tall men go for the ridiculously-short women... Where does that leave us ridiculously-tall women?! HUH? WHERE?!

5. I didn't really care for Portuguese but Italian, German and French classes were all full at registration in 2001. Now I understand why that happened.

6. I've travelled all over the world but truly, "There's No Place Like Home!"

7. Lately, I find myself missing... everything from back home... family, friends, food, church, Starbuck's, my car, my bed (you get the point)...

8. I believe Puerto Rican food is one of the best culinary experiences anyone in the planet should have.

9. I don't like roller coasters, so, if you invite my to an amusement park, I'll be the one holding everybody's stuff...

10. Although I don't like roller coaster nor heights, I want to go skydiving with my best friend... Hey, if I'm going to die I might as well do it with a BANG, literally!

11. My family has Italian, Spaniard, Jewish and Venezuelan ancestry... I must look it up

12. I have very wise parents and I'm grateful for it

13. Most years I don't follow through with my resolutions so I stopped making them... I just don't wait 'til the end of the year to make resolutions or plans...

14. My hands are a carbon copy of my grandmother's (on my father's side) and my dad's hands, and so are my cheeks... Thanks, grandma... thanks, dad!

15. I never lose my appetite, even when I'm sick as a dog... again, thanks, grandma!

16. I've always wanted to learn how to dance flamenco and tango. 2009 is my year, baby! (Hmmm, MELISSA, my offer still stands - Flamenco lessons, anybody?)

17. My ex got me addicted to caffeine and it's a vice that I'm trying to break... Very painful process... Headaches are worse than a hangover!!!!

18. My legs never seem to really get tanned... WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?! I'm Puerto Rican, I should come with a built-in tan.

19. I truly believe, with all my strength, from the bottom of my heart, with all certainty, that God will send me a tall, dark, handsome, Christian man perfect for me and that I'll be perfect for him. (Hugh Jackman? Ricardo Arjona? Hrithik Roshan? Hint Hint, God!)

20. I love novelas, specially Brazilian novelas. So, I'm grateful to be in Brazil to watch "Caminho das Indias," latest epic from the makers of «O Clone» (El Clon)

21. I'm grateful to have been at my High School Class reunion in December... Nothing like a blast from the past to remind you how far you've come and how much further you could go

22. Feel grateful that I have the talents I have... If I couldn't sing, play guitar, compose, I don’t think I could find the joy in life...

23. I've performed with some of the greatest and humblest musicians I know... Thank you for sharing your gift... It's a privilege!

24. My brother is one of my best friends and I'm blessed because of that...

25. I'm part of a world wide mafia also known as the PK's (HPs in Spanish)... We're a dysfunctional bunch!

My very own addition...
BONUS: It took me almost 2 weeks to come up with my 25 random things... why is
it so hard to talk about oneself?

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