No podía evitar el vislumbrar las posibilidades que se acercan en mi futuro. El temor a lo desconocido provoca la adrenalina, la cual te impulsa a la acción, sólo cuando no hay miedo a recibir, sin querer adelantar, lo que Dios ya ha decidido. He compartido en este espacio las tribulaciones y alegrías vividas en momentos pasados y otros pensamientos al azar. Por esto, te siento complice de mis pasos, quien seas tú que lees mis líneas. Acompañame a donde sea que Dios me lleva, estoy segura que nos sorprenderá pues estamos todos/as atados/as por un mismo hilo y nunca sabemos si lo que yo vivo hoy lo vivirás tu mañana.
English Translation
English Translation
The colors were particularly vibrant today, the sun in full splendor and the breeze was fresh and crisp. It was a day that promised beauty from the first hours of the morning to the darkest moment of the night; the air brought a hint of springtime that truly anounced autumn's arrival. Several times I found myself stopping midway just to breath and soak it all in as a reminder that all this beauty that embraced every fiber of my being was created by God for you and me. How thoughtful, Lord! I even shared it with my father, almost like a mantra: "what a beautiful day, dad!", "isn't this day spectacular?"; I think he was asking himself if I had taken my pills (Ha, ha, ha!)... But then he had to agree with me because it was simply a spectacular day. (Click here to read Psalms 8)
I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the future possibilities that await me. Fear of the unknown results in adrenaline, that which propels us to move in action, only when we are not afraid to receive, without forgetting that which has already been decided by God. In the past I've shared my trials and joys and other random thoughts. This is why I see you as accomplice to my footsteps, whoever you are reading these lines. Take this journey with me, wherever it may take me; I am sure it will surprise us because we are tied by the same string and you never know if you will experience tomorrow what I've lived today.
I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the future possibilities that await me. Fear of the unknown results in adrenaline, that which propels us to move in action, only when we are not afraid to receive, without forgetting that which has already been decided by God. In the past I've shared my trials and joys and other random thoughts. This is why I see you as accomplice to my footsteps, whoever you are reading these lines. Take this journey with me, wherever it may take me; I am sure it will surprise us because we are tied by the same string and you never know if you will experience tomorrow what I've lived today.
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